The Foundation also provides volunteers and financial resources to support many activities of the School of Agriculture such as the Academic Bowl, recognition for State and National FFA Officers, a Student Recognition Banquet, and Student Recruitment Efforts. The Foundation awards almost $25,000 each year in scholarships and awards to Tennessee Tech students. Founded in 1972, the Foundation brings together former students and graduates of Tennessee Tech with leaders in business, education and state and local governments to contribute and raise financial resources to support students expands the awareness of the Tennessee Tech School of Agriculture with business and government leaders and, recognizes the accomplishments of the School of Agriculture's Finest. The Agricultural Foundation for Tennessee Tech focuses its resources on ways to enhance the education and college experience for students enrolled in any discipline within the School of Agriculture. And, Recognizes the accomplishments of the School of Agriculture's Finest.Expands the awareness of the Tennessee Tech School of Agriculture with business and government leaders.Brings together former students and graduates of Tennessee Tech with leaders in business, education and state and local governments to contribute and raise financial resources to support students.

The Agricultural Foundation for Tennessee Tech focuses its resources on ways to enhance the education and college experience for students enrolled in any discipline within the College of Agriculture. This scholarship is administered by the Agricultural Foundation. Because of this, they have endowed a scholarship in the School of Agriculture that will be matched by the Agriculture Foundation. and Katherine credit much of their success in the education they received at Tennessee Tech. She serves as treasurer of the Putnam County Retired Teachers Association and the Putnam County Family and Community Education Council.Ī.C. She taught in the vocation improvement program at Upperman High School for 15 years, retiring in 1983. Katherine received her degree in mathematics. He also is a past member of the UT Board of Trustees and the Tennessee Board of Regents.

He also worked in the University of Tennessee's Agricultural Extension Service for 35 years - the last 25 as district supervisor in the Upper Cumberland. and Katherine Clark have accomplished a great deal since 1948 - the year they graduated from Tennessee Technological University.Ī.C., who received his bachelor's degree in animal science and master's degree in agriculture business management, served as Tennessee's commissioner of agriculture from 1987 to 1989.